Use the Budget Export to Excel to modify your budget and then import the new figures into Budget Management using the Data Import feature on the Administration menu.
The report can be reached by selecting Reports > Budget > Budget Export To Excel. Sample
Budget Export Comments: Description of how to use the export file.
Budget Headers: Lists the cycle name, fund element value, and element order.
Budget Detail: Includes cycle name, fund element value, pool number, account code, proposed amount, auto-create indicator, comment/description, adopted amount, GL budget, GL encumbrances, and GL actuals.
Review the budget header to make sure it contains all the fund element values for which you want to import a budget.
If it doesn't, add the needed fund element values with their cycle, and save the file as .txt.
Insert a column immediately after the account code, and fill this column with the account type name — Asset, Liability, Expenditure, Revenue, Other Financing Uses, Other Financing Sources, or Fund Balance/Retained Earnings.
Change the amounts to the proposed amounts.
Save the file as .txt.
When you're satisfied with the new budget data, prepare the data for the import back into AptaFund.
Copy the data without headers, paste it into Notepad, and save the .txt file.
Use this .txt file for the Identify New Budgets process.
Copy the data in columns A through G without headers for the rows with proposed amounts. Paste it into Notepad, and save the .txt file.
Use the header and detail .txt files in the Data Import as needed to create, adjust, and revise budgets.
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