Budget Summary of Funds Report

The Budget Summary of Funds Report summarizes budget accounts and GL transactions by fund within a specified date range.

Users have the option to show the prior year accounts data. It's included as a separate line for every fund when it is found. The report shows sub-totals for all prior year accounts if any.

In order to run the report correctly, users must create and adopt a budget using the Budget Management module. The report collects the adopted budget amounts only. If budget pooling is used, the report summarizes the account amounts into the pool’s fund and the actual account transaction amounts go to the total of fund of the GL account.

In some regions, the report may need to show budget money not fully expended in the prior year. In those situations, users should include the controlling element configured as the Prior Year Expense Balancing Account in Element Value Maintenance. If this Balancing Account is not selected, and the Show Prior Year Expense report parameter is Yes, the report will error out and will not print any data.

The report is reached by selecting Reports > General Ledger > Budget Summary of Funds Report and can be created as a PDF or Excel file.

The report contains the following information:

Fields included on the report are: fund & description, total budget, YTD actuals, YTD payables & encumbrances, budget balance, unencumbered budget balance, and percent remaining.

Report filters are:

Report option is:


Sample report

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