Cash Summary Report

The Cash Summary Report summarizes GL transactions by various account types, within a specific accounting period. This report will be able to tie cash balances with revenues, expenditures, liabilities, and encumbrances by fund.

Before this report can be run, you must set the System Configuration value called Cash Account Controlling Element Values by entering all controlling element values that define cash types of Asset.

The report can be run to show the effects of temporary GL journal entries by setting the Include Unposted Transactions parameter to Yes.

The report is reached by selecting Reports > General Ledger > Cash Summary Report and can be created as a PDF or Excel file.

The report contains two worksheets — Cash Summary & Other Details

Cash Summary worksheet

Fields included on the Cash Summary worksheet are: fund & description, beginning balance, revenue, expenditure, & other amounts, ending balance, encumbrances, liabilities, and available amounts.

The calculations used are described below.

Other Details worksheet

Fields included on the Other Details worksheet are: fund, description, liabilities (beginning), liabilities (ending), payments on PY expense, cash journal entries, and Other total. This worksheet provides detail for how the amounts in the Other column on the main worksheet are determined.

The calculations used are described below.

Report filters are:

Report options are:


Sample Cash Summary worksheet

Sample Other Details worksheet

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