Mass Increment Salary Schedule Step and Apply Schedule

You may want to use the Mass Increment Salary Schedule Step and Apply Schedule command after you rollover salary schedules during the fiscal year end process. This function applies changes to a salary schedule and increments a step on that schedule at the same time.

Note: You can use the Increment Salary Schedule Step function if you just need to increase the step for a group of employees who may not be on the same salary schedule.

Mass increment salary schedule step & apply schedule

  1. Select Human Resources Configuration from the Human Resources or Administration menu. The window opens with the General tab displayed.

  2. Click on the Salary Schedules tab. Note: The Current Accounting Cycle shows the accounting cycle for the salary schedule you want to apply. If this is not the correct accounting cycle, select a different one from the Accounting Cycle link in the upper right corner.

  3. Check the box for the salary schedule for which you want to do the mass change.

  4. Click the Mass Increment Salary Schedule Step and Apply Schedule button under the top grid. The Select Jobs to Increment Salary Schedules By One Step window opens.
    Note: This window includes all jobs in all states for the selected salary schedule.

  5. If most employees should be incremented by one step, check the box by Employee at the top of the grid to select all employees listed in the window. Then uncheck the boxes of employees who shouldn't be incremented by one step.

  6. Click the Increment Step button. The steps are incremented for all selected employees, and a window opens listing the employees whose steps were incremented.

  7. Click Next, and the Apply Salary Schedule window opens.

  8. Continue with the instructions in Apply Salary Schedules.

Note: You can cancel the process from any of the windows in this process. If you click the Cancel button, you'll be notified that the incremented steps are reset to their prior values.


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