Rollover Employee Jobs

The Rollover Employee Jobs command is part of the AptaFund FYE Rollover Process. Do not attempt to use this command without being familiar with this process. Refer to the AptaFund FYE User Guide for instructions. The latest version is in Team Support > Knowledge Base > AptaFund 4.1 Documents > Rollover > Fiscal Year End User Guide.

Refer to the Fiscal Year End Rollover Checklist for the order in which to perform the rollover functions.

About employee jobs rollover

You do not have to roll all jobs at once. For example, you can roll your full year employees only and then follow up with teachers at a later date.

If you want, you can roll jobs without applying salary schedules. If you roll over an employee job which is tied to a salary schedule, and that salary schedule hasn’t yet been applied in the new fiscal year, you’ll see a warning message that explains that the salary will be $0.00 in the new year until the salary schedule is applied. Once it is applied, the salary will be filled in with the correct amount for that step.

It is safe to assume that every master position that has been assigned to an employee and is associated with a job in the new cycle will rollover. There are no exceptions in the system. Only jobs manually created in the new cycle will not be displayed.

Rollover employee jobs

You can roll over employee jobs from either the Manage Employees or Employee Jobs window.

  1. While in the old cycle, select either Manage Employees OR Employee Jobs from the Human Resources menu.

  2. Select Rollover Employee Jobs from the More menu. The Rollover Employee Jobs window opens. The New Accounting Cycle defaults to the next cycle. All available master positions are displayed in the Exclude from rollover list.

  3. Move positions into the Include in rollover list by clicking on them and clicking the Include > button or by clicking Include All >.
    Note: Select a group of positions by clicking one, then scrolling down the list and clicking another while holding the Shift key. Or hold the CTRL key while clicking on multiple positions.

  4. If desired, check the box, Use position dates for positions that exist in the new cycle (controlled positions only). Note: If you check the box and related positions exist in the new fiscal year, AptaFund will use position dates for the jobs being rolled over. If you check the box and a position doesn't exist, AptaFund will default the job's dates to the master position dates. This action applies only to controlled positions. Uncontrolled positions will always use the master position dates.

  5. When you've selected all the jobs to rollover, click OK. Note: If you checked the box to use position dates, you'll be asked to confirm the action. Click Yes to continue. The Result window opens displaying successes and failures.

  6. Click Close when you're finished reviewing the results.


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