AptaFund provides two modules for enhanced reporting — Enhanced Reporting (premium) and Enhanced Reporting Light. These modules are available at an extra cost. Please contact Harris Sales to add one of these modules to your license.
Without Enhanced Reporting you can:
Recall saved grid settings but can’t edit or save them
Recall saved grid settings created by Harris staff
See saved grid settings in the Reports and Exports windows
See only the Report Settings section of the Output Settings dialog
Export grid reports to PDF and Excel — the Excel file is a reproduction of the report with its headers & report breaks
You have everything mentioned above, plus
You can save and recall saved grid settings
You have everything mentioned above, plus
Custom data exports: Create custom data exports by arranging and filtering the columns displayed in a grid. Save the grid settings, and then use the Export Options in the Output Settings dialog to set the file name, file delimiter, and date format for custom exports from the grid, as well as deciding whether or not to include the column headers in the export file. You can also choose to include the export in the drop-down list in the Exports window.
Generate a pie or donut chart from grids, then save it as a PDF or image using the Output Settings dialog. To generate the chart, select one of the grid column headings to group data by, and choose the field for which you want to display the data. For example, in the Position Management grid, you could choose to group by Positions Filled and show data for Actual Salary.
There are several options for the charts including showing slice labels & percentage and aggregating the data by sum or count.
Users can also display saved charts on My Dashboard.
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