Add Items to a Purchase Order

When the Add button in the Order Items grid of a new PO is clicked, the Purchase Order Item Details popup opens.

  1. Complete the fields as described. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk (*).

Tip: For dollar amount purchase requests enter 1.
For services, enter 1 if the unit price is a lump sum. If services are billed at hourly rates, enter the number of hours of service you are ordering. For example, if you are ordering an event clean up and the vendor is charging a flat fee, enter 1. If the vendor is charging an hourly rate, enter the number of hours.

Tip: If you're entering the first item on a PO and all items will be using the same, single account code, you can skip to step 4 below, and then use the Apply Account Codes to Purchase Order Items command to allocate the PO after you've entered all the items. Note: If all items will use the same account code or account code allocation, you can enter it for the first item, and subsequent items will default to the same allocation.

  1. Enter the account code, or click the to open the Account Code Assistant, and use it to select the account. Note: When you begin typing an account code in the field, the Account Code drop-down will display the first of the found records, and you can scroll through the list to select the account instead of opening the account code assistant.

  2. If you need to split the transaction between multiple accounts, click the Allocation button. Click here for instructions on using the Account Code Allocation window.

  3. If you need to add more items to the PO, click the Save and Add button. Repeat steps 1-3 for the new item
    If you're done adding items to the PO, click the Save button, and you're returned to the Purchase Order Details window.

  4. When finished adding items, click the Save button at the bottom of the popup to save the PO,
    OR click the Save and Add button to create another PO. Then repeat steps 1-4 for the new PO.

The PO is now in the New & Active state. It can't be deleted unless all items are removed from it. Note: If you don't need to edit the PO in any other way, you can issue it directly from the PO Details window.


Otherwise Continue with Add Shipping Cost, Apply Tax, or Apply Discount/Premium, if needed, or Issue a Purchase Order.

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