Delete a Purchase Order

Only purchase orders in the New  Inactive state (no line items) can be deleted. If you need to delete a PO in the New Active state (a PO with line items), first delete the line items.

  1. Select Purchase Order from the Purchasing menu. The Purchase Order window opens.

  2. If needed, select the vendor to shorten the list and make it easier to locate the PO(s). You can enter the vendor name in the Quick Search field or use the pinned Ordering Vendor filter.

  3. Check the box(es) for the new inactive POs you want to delete, and select Delete from the More menu. You'll be asked to confirm the action.

  4. Click Yes to delete the PO(s). When the process is complete, the Result window opens displaying the successes and failures.

  5. Click Close when finished reviewing the results.


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