Cash Receipts Configuration — Element Restrictions

Restricting an account code in Cash Receipts doesn't affect the general ledger or any module other than cash receipts.

The elements chosen for restriction will be used for all accounting cycles that use the selected account structure.

Include/exclude element values

  1. Select Cash Receipts Configuration from the Receivables > Cash Receipts or Administration menu. The window opens with the General tab displayed.

  2. Click on the Element Restrictions tab. All element values for the selected Account Structure and Element Name default with the Included status.

  3. Select a different Account Structure if necessary.

  4. To exclude element values, check the box(es), and click the Exclude Element Value button. Note: If you're going to exclude most of the element values in a list, it will be faster to check the box beside the Status label and then uncheck any values you don't want to exclude.

  5. Select another Element Name from the pull-down list, and repeat step 4 to exclude element values.

  6. Repeat steps 4 - 5 until you've excluded all values you want to exclude.


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