Edit Budget Amounts

Use the Propose Account Budget feature to enter or edit account amounts in a Proposed budget.

Edit budget amounts

  1. Select Budget Management from the Budget menu, and that window opens. Note: If you need to work in a different accounting cycle, select it from the link in the upper right corner.

  2. Select the Fund and Account Type as needed to find the budget item(s) you want to edit.

  3. Check the box(es) for the account(s) you want to change, and click Edit button. The Edit Account Budget window opens.

  4. Complete the Change field, entering a positive number to increase the proposed amount or a negative number to decrease the proposed amount. When you tab out of the field, you'll see the new proposed amount.

  5. Optional. Enter a Comment to explain the change.

  6. Optional. Use the Budget Item Details grid to add details about the Budget Item.  Click the Add button and the Budget Item Detail popup window opens.  Fill in Detail Amount, Description and an optional comment.  Click Save or Save and Add or Cancel.   

  7. Click Save.

  8. Repeat steps 4-7 until you've edited the last of the selected accounts. You're returned to the Budget Management window. The changed amounts are displayed in the Proposed Amount column.

  9. Repeat steps 2-8 if you need to edit amounts in other funds.

When the Proposed budget is ready, continue with Adopt a Budget.


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