Budget Monitoring Report

The Budget Monitoring Report compares the budget numbers for the selected cycle with the previous and following cycles. It can be run for expenditure, revenue, or fund balance accounts, as a summary or with detail, with or without sub-totals, and with or without encumbrances. The Excel file can be produced with each fund on a separate tab.

The report is reached by selecting Reports > Budget and can be created as a CSV, Excel, or PDF file.

Subtotaling account codes

The subtotal elements tell the report which type of element to sum up. For example, if you select Fund as the 1st subtotal element, every time the fund changes on the report, it's subtotaled. The names of the elements that make up your current account structure are available to select.

The subtotal rollup levels allow you to specify on which level in the hierarchy to subtotal. For example, if the hierarchy in Element Value Maintenance shows Object codes from 1100 to 1109 with 1109 being the lowest in the hierarchy, you could select Lowest to ensure 1109 and 1101 will be subtotaled on the report. If you wanted to include 1109 and 1101 in the subtotal for 1100, you would select Highest.

Detail elements & levels

Selections in these fields determine the amount of detail provided for the subtotals that appear on the report.

The report contains the following information:

Fields included on the report are: Element ID & description, previous year, selected year, & next year amounts, sub-totals, and grand total.

Report filters are:

Sample report for expenditure accounts with sub-totals on fund & function and detail for function & object

Sample report - Total


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