Budget Pool Element Values Report

The Budget Pool Element Values Report shows budget pools for a selected element value for a selected accounting cycle.

This report can be useful when the location of a currently active element value in the element value hierarchy tree needs to be changed. Since active element values cannot be re-arranged, you must first remove all account codes which use the element value from budget pools. Run this report to determine where the element value is used. For details on re-arranging element values, see Change the element value hierarchy.

Note: The Budget Pool Element Values Report only shows where the element value is used in the budget for the selected accounting cycle. However, element values are not cycle dependent. Therefore, the element value may also be used in an account code that is budgeted in another accounting cycle. It is suggested that you run the report for an accounting cycle, remove the account codes from the budget pools indicated on the report, then check the Element Value Hierarchy tree to see if the element value is still Active. If so, re-run the report for another accounting cycle that has a budget.

The report is reached by selecting Reports > Budget and can be created as a CSV, Excel, or PDF file.

The report contains the following information:

Fields included on the report are: Element value, budget pool name, and pooling account code.

Report filters are:

Sample report


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