Account Summary Report

The Account Summary Report returns enabled and active accounts that have either a budget balance, actual balance, or encumbrance balance.

The report can be run to show the effects of temporary GL journal entries by setting the Include Unposted Transactions parameter to Yes.

The report is reached by selecting Reports > General Ledger > Account Summary Report and can be created as a PDF or Excel file.

Sample reports using the Account Summary Report

Budget Encumbrance & Expenditure Report: Display account code actual, budget, encumbered and available balances with subtotals on Fund, Function, and Program/Object/etc. Sample

Cash Balance Report: Display the actual balance for each fund's cash account. Sample

Revenue Report: Display the revenue account's actual, budget, encumbered and available balances subtotaled by fund. Sample

The report contains the following information:

Fields included on the report are: account code, description, actual (date range), budget (YTD), actual (YTD), encumbrance (YTD), available (YTD), % of budget, subtotals if selected, and report totals.

Report filters are:

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