Importing AptaFund Timekeeping Hours to Payroll Register

AptaFund Timekeeping allows for seamless importing of hours into a Payroll Register.

  1. Create a new Payroll Register like normal, refer to Create a Payroll Register

  2. To see only the hourly jobs you can filter the Type, changing it to All Hourly

  3. Under the More button, Select AptaTime Payroll Import Job, located here NOTE: This stages the data ready for transfer, it must be done every time you want to import to Register. When started, it is sent to Job Queue and may take a minute to complete, you must wait for the Data Imported success message to continue.

  4. Next, Under the More button, Select AptaTime Update to Register, located here  NOTE: This will populate the Payroll Register with the data from AptaFund Timekeeping, it can only be done after AptaTime Payroll Import Job

  5. A preview pop-up will appear showing the employees and hours that will be imported along with any validation errors or warnings.

  6. If you are using AptaFund Leave, you can select Update Leave to Register located here, to import the Leave hours. NOTE: This can be done by itself at any time without any prior imports.

  7. You may proof and edit hours in the Payroll if needed after the import is done.