Address Change Requests

Use the Address Change Requests window to enact changes to address and emergency contact information requested by employees.

Users who can enact requested changes must have the Employee Address Change Request – Manage permission. Security templates with that permission include Employee Management Manager, Employee Management Administrator, and Fund Administrator.

Enact change requests

  1. Select Address Change Requests from the Human Resources menu, and that window opens. Note: Clicking on the Employee Name link opens the employee record in Manage Employees.

  2. Check the box for a request, and click Enact Change(s), or click the Request Date link. The Address Change Request window opens, displaying the old information on the left and the new information on the right.

  3. Review the changes highlighted in green.

  4. If you approve, click Enact Change. The changes are saved, and you're returned to the Address Change Requests window.


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