Share an Address

Some employees may use the same address for different purposes — e.g. home & home-based business. Use the Share Address command to copy the address automatically and create an additional address record for this employee.

Once addresses are shared, editing one shared address record will automatically update all addresses linked to it by sharing. All fields for shared addresses are therefore identical.

If the addresses should have different phone numbers, they cannot be shared.

Share an address

  1. Select Manage Employees from the Human Resources menu, and that window opens.

  2. Use the Search feature or a filter to display the employee you want to edit.

  3. Click the Display Name link, or check the box for the employee, and click Edit. The Edit Employee popup opens.

  4. If needed, close the collapsible sections to make it easier to see the tabs at the bottom of the popup.

  5. Click on the Addresses tab.

  6. Check the box beside the address to be shared, and click Share. The Share Address window opens.

  7. Select the Type for the new address record. Note: Once an address type has been used, it is no longer included in the Type pull-down menu.

  8. Click Save. The address is copied to the new record, and both addresses are displayed with the Shared field set to Yes.

Return to Employee Addresses

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