View Position Information for a Job

Use the View Position Management feature to open the Position Management window with the selected position's information displayed.

View position information — Manage Employees

  1. Select Manage Employees from the Human Resources menu, and that window opens.

  2. Use the Search feature or a filter to display the employee whose job information you want to review.

  3. Click the Display Name link, or check the box for the employee, and click Edit. The Employee Details window opens.

  4. If needed, close the collapsible sections to make it easier to see the tabs at the bottom of the popup.

  5. On the Jobs tab, check the box for the job whose position information you want to view, and select View Position Management from the More menu. The Position Management window opens with the job's master position already selected in the lower grid.

Return to Jobs Overview

View position information — Employee Jobs

  1. Select Employee Jobs from the Human Resources menu, and that window opens.

  2. Use the Search feature or a filter to display the employee whose job information you want to review.

  3. Check the box for the employee's job, and select View Position Management from the More menu. The Position Management window opens with the job's master position already selected in the lower grid.

Return to Jobs Overview