Import Leave Hours Into Register / Manual Entry

The Payroll Register has a new field Leave Hours that can be adjusted in the Payroll Details screen.

A new command has been added for this: Update Leave to Register. This command will bring up a list of approved leave request from the new leave module only for the same payroll period as the register. The user can then add those leave amounts to the register in the new Leave Hours field. Please note that the Leave Hours is added to the Regular and Overtime Hours fields to equal Total Hours.

Importing Leave Hours Into Register

NOTE: The import can only executed once per register. Please make sure all leave requests for the current payroll period ahve been approved before importing hours to the register. Also, the only way to undo the import is to remove the empoloyees form the register or delete the register.

  1. Select Manage Payroll from the Payroll menu.

  2. Create a new Payroll or select one in new status.

  3. Under the More menu, select Update Leave To Register located here.

  4. A pop-up appears that will show all fully approved Leave requests which have a date within the payroll period for the active register. It will also show the Leave Type and the Hours, as well as the Leave Comment.

  5. Once reviewed, click Process Leave Import.

  6. After import is run, a Result pop-up appears with any errors or showing success statuses.

  7. The "Leave Hours" column will now be filled with the hours imported.

Manual Entry

  1. Select Manage Payroll from the Payroll menu.

  2. Select a Payroll Register in the new status.

  3. Select Hourly employee you would like to add Leave Hours, and click edit.

  4. Enter total number of Leave Hours into the Leave Hours field.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Leave Hours are updated on the Payroll Register for the employee.