Creating a Deduction Set — Fixed Amount tab

When a new deduction set is created, any default fixed amount deductions are added to the Fixed Amount tab.

Add a fixed amount deduction/benefit

  1. While in Payroll > Deduction Assignment > Deduction Set Detail on the Fixed Amount tab, click the Add button at the top of the tab. The Add Fixed Amount Deduction window opens in a popup.

  2. Complete the Deduction Section fields as described below. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk (*).

  3. Complete the Employee Section fields if the deduction/benefit has the Variable box checked. These fields are not editable for deductions/benefits that aren't variable.

  4. Complete the Employer Section fields if the deduction/benefit has the Variable box checked. These fields are not editable for deductions/benefits that aren't variable.

  5. Click Save to save this deduction/benefit and return to the Deduction Set Detail window,
    OR click Save and Add to save this deduction/benefit and add another.

  6. Repeat steps 2 - 5 to add more fixed amount deductions and benefits to the employee's deduction set.

  7. When finished adding fixed amount deductions and benefits to the employee's deduction set, click on the Percentage tab. Click here for instructions,
    OR if you don't need to add deductions, benefits, or direct deposit information, click Save or Save and Approve.

Continue with Create a Deduction Set — Percentage Amount

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