About Employer Expenditure and Liability Element Values

The employers portion of a deduction/benefit will be allocated to the default account codes containing the expenditure element value and liability element value selected in Manage Deductions > Employer Information. The list includes only the payroll expenditure and liability element values that have not been excluded in Payroll Configuration > Element Restrictions.

These element values must be selected if an amount is entered in the Pay Period Amount field in the Employer Information section.

When the deduction is applied during payroll processing, the selected expenditure element value is used as part of the account code for the employers expenditure for this deduction. The remaining element value(s) from the account code(s) to which the employees salary was allocated will also be used in the expenditure account code.

Example Expenditure Account Code

The element value 6290 was selected as the expenditure element value.

The first job was allocated to two expenditure account codes:

The second job was allocated to one account code:

The resulting expenditure account codes for the employers portion of the deduction are:

Creation of account codes during payroll processing

You have the option to set a configuration value that will cause the system to automatically create the resulting liability account codes if any of them don't exist.

Set the Auto Create Balancing Account Codes in System Configuration to Yes. Then if the account codes don't exist, they'll be created when the employee is submitted to payroll.


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