Rollover Deductions

The Rollover Deductions command is part of the AptaFund FYE Rollover Process. Do not attempt to use this command without being familiar with this process. Refer to the AptaFund FYE User Guide for instructions. The latest version is in Team Support > Knowledge Base > AptaFund 4.1 Documents > Rollover > Fiscal Year End User Guide.

Refer to the Fiscal Year End Rollover Checklist for the order in which to perform the rollover functions.

About rolling over deductions

Use the Rollover Deductions command to roll over selected or all enabled deduction/benefits. System deductions are always included in the rollover.

Deduction IDs that are designated in Payroll Configuration are rolled to the new cycle. You can run the Payroll Configuration Values for Deductions Report both before and after the rollover to verify that the deduction IDs have been updated.

The command will take more time to finish if the account structures are not the same between accounting cycles.

The roll over of deductions/benefits does not require that employee job assignments have been approved.

Errors during the rollover don't stop the process; instead errors are logged in the Result window. System deductions that are automatically rolled over are included in the Result window with deductions that were selected for rollover

Before you begin

Roll over deduction and benefits definitions

  1. Select Manage Deductions from the Payroll menu.

  2. If you want to roll all deductions, continue with step 3.
    If you want to roll only selected deductions, check the boxes for the deductions you want to roll, then continue with step 3.

  3. Select the Rollover Deduction command from the More menu at the top of the window, and the Rollover Deductions window opens.

  4. Select the new accounting cycle from the New Cycles: list, and click the OK button. If there is a new structure, all deductions associated with the new cycle’s structure will be copied to the new cycle’s structure, if they do not already exist. When the process is complete, the Result window opens displaying successes and failures.

  5. Click Close when you're done reviewing the results.

  6. Once deductions and benefits have been rolled over, you should verify all the data for each deduction.

Return to Manage Deductions Overview

Return to Fiscal Year End Rollover Checklist