Manually Adjust a Payment Plan

Payment plans automatically calculate pay distribution for employees, but you can modify the distribution for an Available job at any time.

If the job has been submitted to payroll, you must first remove the job from payroll before you can adjust the pay distribution.

Important to note

Large payments that occur as a result of manual manipulations to the payment distribution will result in higher tax amounts and will not apply any deductions.

Modifying payment plan distribution for balloon payments does not affect the balloon multiplier, which calculates tax for balloon payments. Close the original job and set up a new job to accommodate payment plan modification for jobs with balloon payment plans.

Manually adjust a payment plan

  1. Select Employee Payroll Information from the Payroll menu.

  2. Click the Display Name hyperlink, or check the box for the employee whose payment plan you want to edit and click the Detail command in the upper right corner of the window. The Employee Payroll Detail window opens.

  3. Check the box for an Available job, and select Payment Plan Distribution from the More menu in the upper right corner of the window. The Payment Plan Distribution window opens.

  4. Click the Edit button, and the Payment Plan Distribution popup opens with the first period available to edit highlighted.

  5. Tab through the Paycheck Amount fields changing the amounts for available periods as needed. The Undistributed field in the Totals To Date section displays the new undistributed amount after you tab out of the Paycheck Amount field. Note: The Undistributed amount must be zero in order to be able to save the changes.

  6. When you've made the changes you want and the Undistributed equals zero, click Save.

  7. Review the changes as they're displayed in the Payment Plan Distribution window.

  8. When you're satisfied with the changes, click Close. You're returned to the Employee Payroll Detail window.


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