Void a Payroll Register

Voiding a payroll register reverses the GL transactions that were written when the register was approved. Only registers in the Approved state can be voided.

Voided payroll registers cannot be modified or re-submitted, so a new register will have to be created and hours or days entered on the new register.

Warning! If one or more paychecks have been printed, the register can be voided only after voiding all of its paychecks and all associated payroll liability checks.  See Void Payroll Checks, Voiding Payroll Liability Checks and Voiding EFT Payroll Liability Checks.

Void a payroll register

  1. Select Manage Payroll from the Payroll menu. The Manage Payroll window opens listing all the payroll registers for the selected accounting cycle.

  2. Select a payroll register, and select Void Register from the More menu. A popup window opens asking you to confirm the action.

  3. Click Yes, and the register is voided.


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