Gross Wages by Deduction Report

The Gross Wages by Deduction Report details the total gross wages for each employee by deduction for deductions that apply only to specific jobs, such as worker’s compensation deductions. The Gross Wages by Deduction for Calendar Year report provides the same information, but for the calendar year rather than the accounting cycle

Deductions that apply to all jobs/addenda are not available for this report. To report on all deductions, use the Deduction and Benefit Definitions Report, the Employee Deduction Sets Report, or create a grid report in the Manage Deductions window.

Note: If the Deduction parameter pull-down list has None as the only option, there are currently no deductions in the system that do not apply to all jobs/addenda.

The report can be accessed from Reports > Payroll and can be created as a CSV, Excel, or PDF file.

The report contains the following information:

Fields included on the report are: employee name & number, wages subject to deduction, employee & employer contributions, subtotals, and grand total.

Report filters are:

Sample report


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