Payroll Cross Tab Report

The Payroll Cross Tab Report displays each employee’s gross pay, deductions and benefits, and the resulting net pay on each employee’s paycheck.

The report can be reached by selecting Reports > Payroll > Payroll Cross Tab Report and can be created as a PDF or Excel file.

Important: If the begin date you enter is before the begin date of the selected payroll cycle, payroll data will be reported from the begin date of the payroll cycle. If the end date you enter is after the end date of the payroll cycle, payroll data will be reported up to the end date of the payroll cycle.

The report contains the following information:

Fields included on the report are: paycheck site, employee, pre-tax, pre-SS, EIC WH, Medicare WH, state WH, federal WH, total wages, overtime wages, regular wages, paid date, employee number, department, post-tax, net pay, sub-totals, and report totals.

Report filters are:

Report options are:

Sample report

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