Edit an Asset

All fields can be edited on new assets.

You can edit the following fields for an active asset: site, building, room, condition, in-service date, % federal part, and insurance value. You can also add asset items to an active asset.

You can edit the following fields for a depreciated asset: site, building, room, condition, in-service date, % federal part, and insurance value.

About editing the condition

Changing the condition of an asset is typically the result of a physical inventory, and a record of the change is saved on the asset's History tab. The condition on the asset record isn't related to the Received Condition on the Order Receipt.

Note: You can't change the condition once an asset is Disposed. Ensure that this field displays the required condition prior to disposing an asset.

Edit an asset

  1. Select Asset Management from the Purchasing & Payables / Capital Assets menu. The Asset Management window opens.

  2. Check the box(es) for the asset(s) you want to edit, and click Edit, or click the Asset No. link to edit a single asset. The Edit Asset window opens.

  3. Edit the header fields as needed.

  4. Add, and edit asset items as needed.

  5. Click Save, Save and Next, if editing more than one item, or Save and Add if you want to add a new asset.


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