Insurance Value Report

The Insurance Value Report provides a comparison of asset cost and insured asset value. It can be used to help confirm that assets are properly insured. The report is sorted by asset number within each location and includes Capital and Inventory asset types in all states except Disposed and New.

Tip: Select <Non-Specified> to exclude a parameter, such as the Room or Site, from the report. The <Non-Specified> option tells the system the parameter is not applicable. Selecting <Non-Specified> causes the report to include only those assets that do not have a value in the column of the corresponding parameter.

Access the Insurance Value Report from the Reports menu > Capital Assets module.

Fields on the report

Fields included on the report are: asset number & name, category, asset cost, and insurance value. The report is sorted by site, building, and room.

Report filters

The report filters are:

Sample report

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