Edit Employee Reimbursements

You can edit employee reimbursement requests in any state except withdrawn.

Edit an employee reimbursement

  1. Select My Reimbursements from the My AptaFund menu, or Employee Reimbursements from the Purchasing & Payables menu.

  2. Check the box(es) for the reimbursements you want to edit, and click Edit, or click the Request No link to edit a single request. The Edit Employee Reimbursement window opens.

  3. Edit header fields — Comments & Expense Date — as needed.

  4. Check the box(es) for the Requested Items you want to edit, and click Edit; click Edit All; or click the Item # link to edit a single item. The Edit Reimbursement Item window opens.

  5. Edit the Item information as needed.

  6. When finished, click Save, or click Save and Add to enter another line item.

Add items to an existing reimbursement

  1. Select My Reimbursements from the My AptaFund menu, or Employee Reimbursements from the Purchasing & Payables menu.

  2. Check the box(es) for the reimbursements you want to edit, and click Edit, or click the Request No link to edit a single request. The Edit Employee Reimbursement window opens.

  3. Click the Add button on the Requested Items grid, and continue with the instructions here.

Delete items from an existing reimbursement

  1. Select My Reimbursements from the My AptaFund menu, or Employee Reimbursements from the Purchasing & Payables menu.

  2. Check the box(es) for the reimbursements you want to edit, and click Edit, or click the Request No link to edit a single request. The Edit Employee Reimbursement window opens.

  3. Check the box(es) for the items you want to delete, and click the Delete button on the Requested Items grid. You're asked to confirm the action.

  4. Click Yes. The Result window opens when the process is complete.

  5. Click Close when you're done reviewing the results.

Return to Employee Reimbursements Window Overview

Return to My Reimbursements Window Overview

Return to ESS Employees Overview