Purchase Order Overage Condition Report

The Purchase Order Overage Condition Report lists purchase orders issued within a specified date range with amounts paid over the approved purchase order amount. If indicated by the results of the report, you can adjust the amount that Accounts Payable can pay over the approved purchase order amount by changing the Percent over PO Maximum setting in Purchasing Configuration.

Note: If the Percent over PO Maximum has been set to 0, this report will not display any data since no purchase orders could have been paid over the original amount.

The report can be reached by selecting it from the Reports menu in the Purchasing section.

Fields on the report

Fields included on the report: PO number, vendor, item description, account code, PO item amount, overage amount, final paid amount, issued by user, PO comments, issue date, and close date.

Report filters

The report filters are:

Sample report


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