Cash Receipts Configuration — General Tab

To edit cash receipts configuration values

  1. Select Cash Receipts Configuration from the Receivables > Cash Receipts or Administration menu. The window opens with the General tab displayed.

  2. Click on the Setting link, or check the box for a configuration value, and click the Edit button at the bottom of the window. The Edit Configuration Value window opens displaying the name of the configuration value and its system-defined definition in the Description field.

  3. Enter text in the Configuration Value field or select from the Value pull-down list, and click Save. You're returned to the Cash Receipts Configuration window with the new value displayed.

Cash receipts configuration values

Allow Editing of Balancing Accounts

Choosing Yes allows the user to modify the Cash Receipts balancing account or accounts used when a cash receipts batch is approved. This feature allows users to modify the system-generated balancing account codes as they enter cash receipts and to redistribute the balancing account allocations.

Cash Receipts Default Bank Account

Select the default bank account into which cash receipts will be deposited.

Default Method of Payment

Specify the default method for Cash Receipts Batch Items. The items in this list are determined in the Methods of Payment setting.

Methods of Payment

Specify the acceptable methods of payment. The values entered in this field will appear in the Method field list for selection by users entering a cash receipt. Enter each method separated by a carriage return.


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