General Ledger Balances Parameters

When using the GL balances, you may want to run the projections for separate parts of your budget — for example, for labor and non-labor costs, for expenditures and revenues.

You may click on a previous tab at any time to return to the previous window if you need to make changes.
You may save a set of parameters at any time while using the development tool.


Complete the selections on all tabs, and then return to Using the Budget Development Tool to complete the budget development process.

  1. Result Account Code Filter:

  2. Balance Selection: Select either Actual or Budget. Note: Selecting Actual will use the current YTD expenditures; selecting Budget will use the amounts budgeted for the current year.

  3. Account Type Selection: Check or uncheck boxes to include or exclude expenditures, revenue, other financing uses, and/or other financing sources.

  4. Salary Increase: Check the box(es) and enter an amount and/or a percentage. Note: If you don't check the box, the increase or decrease won't be calculated, even if you enter an amount or percentage.

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