Edit a Bank Account

Only disabled & inactive bank accounts can be fully edited. Bank accounts in other states can only be partially edited.

Bank account status

Definition of status

Items available for editing

Enabled & inactive

Newly created; no transactions against it

Only description, owner fund, opening date, opening balance, & signatures

Enabled & active

Transactions exist, and account is available for use

Only description, owner fund, opening date, opening balance, & signatures

Disabled & inactive

No transactions against it, but disabled by the user

All items

Disabled & active

Transactions exist, but disabled by the user

Only description, owner fund, opening date, opening balance, & signatures


Changing enabled inactive accounts: If you need to make changes to items that aren't available for editing on enabled/inactive accounts, first disable the account, then you'll be able to make the changes.

Changing active accounts: If you need to change the account number and/or element value pairs, you'll need to create a new bank account. Changing the element value pairs on active accounts is prevented because that action could invalidate existing transactions.

Important! You can change the opening date and balance after you have reconciled the account one or more times, but you will be required to first undo all reconciliations to date. Click here for instructions.

Edit a bank account

  1. Select Bank Management from the Banking menu, and the Bank Management window opens.

  2. Select the bank whose account you want to edit, and click Edit, or click the Bank Name link. The Edit Bank window opens.

  3. Select the account you want to edit, and click Edit, or click the Account Number link. The Edit Bank Account window opens.

  4. Edit account information as needed.

  5. Add or delete element value pairs on inactive accounts only.

  6. Click Save when you're through editing the account.


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