Payroll Salary Schedules Parameters

When using the payroll salary schedules, you may want to run separate projections for different salary schedules — for example, for certified and classified.

You may click on a previous tab at any time to return to the previous window if you need to make changes.
You may save a set of parameters at any time while using the development tool.


Complete the selections on all tabs, and then return to Using the Budget Development Tool to complete the budget development process.

Salary Schedule tab

  1. Select the Cycle whose salary schedules you want to use as a base. Note: You can use salary schedules from a different cycle than you selected in the previous window.

  2. Select one or more salary schedules in the Salary Schedules grid.

  3. Check the Increment employee's Salary Schedule Step box if you want to move the employees up one step for the projections.

Employees and Jobs tab

You can use the parameters on this tab to get very specific about the positions included in the projections.

  1. Complete as many Job Selection parameters as needed to create a subset of positions for the projections.

  2. Complete the Employee Selection parameters as described.

  3. Select the Optimization options as described.
    You may want to use the second option (speed) first using only a couple of employees to see the results, then compare them to the results you get using the first option (accuracy) with a couple of employees. When the results are close to what you want, you can run the wizard using the first option.

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Deductions tab

The list includes all deductions defined in the selected Accounting Cycle that have an employer-side amount. The FICA and Medicare deductions will not appear in this list as their amounts are calculated by the tax engine and therefore harder to override.

Select the deductions you want to include in the projections.

You can edit deduction amounts if you know they're changing.

General Ledger tab

The Balance & Account Type Selection parameters aren't available or required for the Payroll Positions projections.

  1. Result Account Code Filter:

  2. Balance Selection: Select either Actual or Budget. Note: Selecting Actual will use the current YTD expenditures; selecting Budget will use the amounts budgeted for the current year.

  3. Account Type Selection: Check or uncheck boxes to include or exclude expenditures, revenue, other financing uses, and/or other financing sources.

  4. Salary Increase: Check the box(es) and enter an amount and/or a percentage. Note: If you don't check the box, the increase or decrease won't be calculated, even if you enter an amount or percentage.

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Once you've completed the selections on all tabs, return to Using the Budget Development Tool to complete the budget development process.


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