Roll Over the Accounting Cycle

Use the Rollover Cycle command button in the Accounting Cycle window to create the new accounting cycle. Rolling over the accounting cycle copies the old cycle information to the new cycle and increments the accounting periods by exactly one year

Information rolled over in this step includes configuration values from the System Configuration, Human Resources Configuration, Purchasing Configuration, Payroll Configuration, Cash Receipts Configuration, and Capital Assets Configuration pages. Please note that this step does NOT roll over the Chart of Accounts. That is a separate task.

Before you begin

If there is a new account structure, it must exist and be accepted in Structure Maintenance.

Roll over the accounting cycle

  1. Select Accounting Cycle from the Chart of Accounts menu, and the Accounting Cycle window opens.

  2. Check the box for the accounting cycle you want to roll over, and select Rollover Cycle from the More menu. The Rollover Cycle window opens.

  3. Enter the New Cycle Name.

  4. Select the Structure Name. Be sure to select the new account structure if you are changing structures. The prior cycle’s structure name will be displayed by default.

  5. Click OK. You'll be notified that the accounting cycle rolled over successfully.

After the cycle is rolled over, choose the new accounting cycle and verify the configuration values in System Configuration. Some values are specific to the cycle and may need to be changed.


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