Create an Employee Reimbursement

Employees will create reimbursements from the My AptaFund menu.

Administrators are able to create them from either the My AptaFund menu or from the Purchasing & Payables > Reimbursements menu.

Create an employee reimbursement

  1. If you're an employee, select My Reimbursements from the My AptaFund menu, and that window opens.
    If you're an admin, select Employee Reimbursements from the Purchasing & Payables menu, and that window opens.

  2. Click Add, and the Add Employee Reimbursement window opens.

  3. Enter text in the Comments field to describe the reimbursement request.

  4. Enter the Expense Date in mmddyy or mm/dd/yyyy format, or click the calendar icon to select the date.

  5. Click Save, or click Save and Add if you want to create another reimbursement. The record is saved, and the Edit Employee Reimbursement window displays the header fields and the Requested Items grid.

  6. In the Requested Items grid, click Add, and the Edit Reimbursement Item window opens.

  7. Complete the fields as described. Required items are marked with a red asterisk (*).

  8. If you need to add more items to the reimbursement, click the Save and Add button. Repeat steps 6-7 for the new item.
    If you're done adding items, click the Save button, and you're returned to the Edit Employee Reimbursement window.

  9. When you've finished creating the reimbursement, click the Save button at the bottom of the popup to save the record,
    OR click the Save and Add button to create another record. Then repeat steps 3-8 for the new reimbursement,
    OR click Submit to submit the reimbursement. Note: You can also click Save and Add after submitting a reimbursement.


Return to Employee Reimbursements Window Overview

Return to My Reimbursements Window Overview

Return to ESS Employees Overview