Purchasing Configuration — General Tab

To edit purchasing configuration values

  1. Select Purchasing Configuration from the Purchasing or Administration menu. The window opens with the General tab displayed.

  2. Click the checkbox for a configuration value, and click the Edit button at the bottom of the window. The Edit Purchasing Configuration window opens displaying the name of the configuration value and its system-defined definition in the Description field.

  3. Enter text in the Configuration Value field or select from the Value pull-down list, and click Save. You're returned to the Purchasing Configuration window with the new value displayed.

Purchasing configuration values

This topic gives definitions for the values that are not self-explanatory on the General tab in Purchasing Configuration.

1099 Reporting Threshold

The minimum amount paid to a 1099 vendor for the vendor to receive a 1099-MISC Form or to be reported electronically on the 1099 Data Export. If this value is missing or blank, all 1099 vendors are reported, including on  the 1099 Form Summary Report.

A/P ACH EFT values

Click here for description of the use of these values.

Allow Duplicate Warrant Numbers

If Yes is selected, duplicate warrant numbers will be allowed in Payment Management, although a warning message will display if a warrant number is about to be duplicated in the Warrant Printing dialog box.  

Allow Editing of Encumbrance Transaction Date for PO Issue

Choosing Yes allows the user to modify the date the issue PO encumbrance transaction is posted. Choose No to always post the transaction on the issue date.

Auto Close PO Threshold

When Threshold Prompt is selected in Automatically Close POs, you must also enter a dollar value here.

Auto Close PO Types

Enter the types of PO that you want to make available for automatic closing.

Auto Generate AP Cash and Due To - Due From Reconciliation Transaction

When an accounts payable voucher is disbursed in the general ledger at the time the voucher is verified, the credit entry to cash is to the AP Cash Clearing Account. A Due From owner Fund entry also occurs. A journal entry must be created to reverse the AP clearing account entry to allocate to the various funds' cash accounts and reallocate the Due From entry to the Due To funds' accounts. The value has three options:

Auto Receive Purchase Orders

Selecting Yes in this field enables AptaFund to automatically receive items when an associated invoice is submitted. The default is No, and this configuration may be changed at anytime. See About Automatically Receiving POs for more information.

Automatically Close POs

Determines if and when user is prompted to close a PO when creating a payment against the PO. The options are On, Off, Always Prompt, Threshold Prompt. If Threshold Prompt is selected, you must also enter a dollar amount in the Auto Close PO Threshold setting.

Automatically Default Use Tax Checkbox

If Yes is selected, AptaFund will recognize out-of-state vendors and automatically select the Use Tax checkbox for all line items on a purchase order that uses an out-of-state vendor.
Note: If an address is not entered for the vendor selected for a purchase order, AptaFund assumes the vendor is out-of-state and marks the Use Tax checkbox accordingly. PO users can check or uncheck the Use Tax box until the
PO is issued.

Capital Items Dollar Threshold Setting

Specify a minimum dollar amount for a capital asset. This value is used to determine whether a received item not marked as a capital asset, but above the threshold value, should be considered as a capital asset OR whether a received item marked as a capital asset, but below the threshold value, should be reconsidered as a capital asset.

Check Available Budget

Selecting Yes will cause budget checks to be performed in the Purchase Requisition, Purchase Order, and Vendor Invoice windows. You may wish to turn off budget checking during the period prior to budget approval when purchase orders are being created for the upcoming fiscal year.

Default Invoice Item Quantities

 This option allows items on new invoices to default to the quantity specified. The choices are:

Line item quantities that have already been paid on previous invoices will not be included. In those cases, the default may be less than the order quantity or received quantity, depending on what has already been invoiced. 

Default PR/PO Type

Select from Regular, Dollar, Blanket, or Warehouse to specify the default type for purchase requisitions and purchase orders.

Default Sales Tax Rate

Enter the tax rate that will be used on purchase requisitions and purchase orders. For example, enter 7 to represent a 7% tax rate. This value will be displayed when creating a purchase requisition or PO, but you can override the default.

Default Use Tax Rate

Enter the tax rate that will be added to items that require Use Tax on purchase requisitions and purchase orders. Use Tax is a state tax on goods purchased in another state to make up for local sales tax. Use Tax is not applicable in all states. Verify your entry. See About Use Tax for more information.

Default Vendor Invoice Type

Select from Regular, Direct, or Credit Memo. This selection determines the vendor invoice type that will be entered by default on new invoices. The default can be changed when creating the invoice.

E-mail Address For Purchasing Notifications

Enter the address you want to be the originating address when the Purchasing module sends automatic emails.

Maximum Before Oral Quote

Enter the maximum amount under which PRs can be submitted or POs can be issued without an oral quote. The oral quote threshold includes the total of all monies spent with the vendor for the current cycle, not just the total of the current PR or PO being entered. The oral quote threshold does not include shipping and tax expenditures for the order.

Maximum Before Sealed Bid

Enter the maximum amount under which PRs can be submitted or POs can be issued without a sealed bid. The sealed bid threshold includes the total of all monies spent with the vendor for the current cycle, not just the total of current PR or PO being entered. The sealed bid threshold does not include shipping and tax expenditures for the order.

Maximum Before Written Quote

Enter the maximum amount under which PRs can be submitted or POs can be issued without a written quote. The written quote threshold includes the total of all monies spent with the vendor for the current cycle, not just the total of current PR or PO being entered. The written quote threshold does not include shipping and tax expenditures for the order.  

Maximum Purchasing Total

Enter the maximum amount at which purchase requisitions or purchase orders can be approved or issued without requiring purchasing administrator authority.  

Number of PO Copies

Enter the number of PO copies that will be printed when the order is issued. This number must match the number of copies set up in Manage PO Copies.  

Number of PR Copies

Enter the number of purchase requisition copies that will be printed when the requisition is approved.  

Percent over PO Maximum

Enter the percentage by which the unit price on an invoice is allowed to exceed the unit price on the associated PO. For example, enter 10 if the invoice unit price may exceed the PO unit price by 10 percent. Enter 0 if the invoice unit price may not exceed the PO unit price. This setting does NOT affect dollar POs because they're not allowed to exceed their dollar amount.

Purchase Order Auto Close Date

Enter the date on which all open purchase orders for the current cycle will be automatically closed.

Received Conditions

Enter the valid conditions in which an item may be received in the Order Receipt window.  Separate entries by a carriage return.

Release Encumbrances when a Purchase Order is Rolled Over

Specify whether or not to leave the encumbrance in the old accounting cycle when a PO is rolled over.

Rollover Purchase Order when Prior Year Expense Not Set

Options are:

Units of Measure

Enter the units of measure that will be available in the Purchase Requisition, Purchase Order, and Vendor Invoice windows. Separate entries by a carriage return.


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