The Rollover Calendars command is part of the AptaFund FYE Rollover Process. Do not attempt to use this command without being familiar with this process. Refer to the AptaFund FYE User Guide for instructions. The latest version is in Team Support > Knowledge Base > AptaFund 4.1 Documents > Rollover > Fiscal Year End User Guide.
Refer to the Fiscal Year End Rollover Checklist for the order in which to perform the rollover functions.
Calendars, along with job begin and end dates, are accounting cycle-specific. Use the Rollover Calendars command to roll calendars from the old accounting cycle so that master positions, once rolled over, may be automatically associated with the calendar.
All calendars are rolled over.
New calendars are created in the new cycle with the same names & descriptions as the old calendars.
The new calendars are linked to the appropriate rolled over master positions. Note: If you choose to create new calendars instead of using the Rollover Calendar command, the system will not recognize the new calendars and will not automatically associate the calendar with the rolled over master positions. This choice requires that you manually associate the new calendars with each appropriate master position. Master Position Management does provide a Set Mass Values command that makes this task easier.
The total number of days in the new calendars equals the sum of the days in all periods related to the accounting cycle, including those outside the cycle begin & end dates.
default, all weekdays in
the new calendars are considered as work days, and all weekend
days are considered as non-work days. The rollover does not copy the work and non-work
days from the old calendars to the new calendars.
Note: You'll need to designate
the non-work days for the new calendars, but you can use the Copy
Dates To Calendar feature to speed this process.
The name of calendars rolled over from the previous fiscal year should not be changed because the rollover creates an association between the calendar and job/addendum templates. Create a new calendar if you want to use a different name.
The new accounting cycle must exist and contain accounting periods.
Ensure that the chart of accounts has been rolled over to the new cycle since the last time any changes were made to it or to any element values. The account mapping must be current.
If a calendar with the same name already exists in the new fiscal year the calendar will not roll over.
Select Human Resources Configuration from the Human Resources menu. The window opens with the General tab displayed.
Click on the Calendar tab. Note: Be sure that the accounting cycle displayed beside the Logout button is the accounting cycle whose calendars you want to roll. If this is not the correct accounting cycle, select a different one.
Click on the Rollover Calendars button, and the Rollover Calendars window opens.
Select the New Accounting Cycle, and click OK. Since the rollover doesn't copy the non-work days from the old calendars, you'll need to edit the new calendars.
Change to the new accounting cycle to edit the rolled over calendars. Note: You'll need to edit the rolled over calendars before they become active since active calendars can't be changed.
Select a calendar that will have non-work days that are similar to most other calendars, and enter the additional non-work days, holidays, and conference days, for that calendar. Click here for instructions.
Copy the dates from that new calendar to other new calendars.
Edit the other new calendars as needed.
Return to Human Resources Configuration — Calendar tab
Return to Fiscal Year End Rollover Checklist