Employee Management Leave Type Balance Report

The Employee Management Leave Type Balance Report can be reached by selecting Reports > Employee Management > Leave Type Balance Report.

The Employee Management Leave Type Balance Report lists employees and their leave balances for a specified time period.

Important! AptaFund tracks the current balance for a leave type for an employee. It does not track the historical balance. Beginning balances are the difference between the current balance and any activity (accruals or taken leave) during the accounting cycle. Because balance adjustments are allowed, any manual adjustments will not only change the current balance but also the beginning balance. In the Leave Type Balance Report, the difference between the beginning and ending balances will always equal the sum of the activity.

It can be created as an Excel file with 2 worksheets or a PDF file.

Note: There is a different Leave Type Balance Report in the Payroll module.

The worksheets contain the following information:

Report filters

The report filters are:

Sample report — Summary by Leave Type

Sample report — Detail by Employee


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