Leave Type Setup Options

When adding a leave type, only one field is required to save the record — leave type name. As a result, there is a lot of flexibility in how you set up your leave system. This topic describes some of the ways you can set up leave types to accomplish different methods of accruing leave.

Two different leave accrual setups

  1. Employees in different groups accrue differing amounts of a leave type without reference to years of service.

  2. Employees in different groups accrue differing amounts of a leave type based on years of service.

Employees in different groups accrue differing amounts of a leave type without reference to years of service

  1. Create the leave types.

  2. Add employee groups to the leave type. Complete the annual total and annual cap fields on the leave group types.

  3. Create accrual records for each leave type.

Employees in different groups accrue differing amounts of a leave type based on years of service

  1. Create the leave types. Leave the annual amount and annual cap fields blank on the leave type record.

  2. Add employee groups to the leave type.

  3. Edit the group leave types.

  4. Create accrual records for each group leave type.


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