Create a Filter

  1. While in a window that lists a group of records, click on the Filter button in the toolbar in the top right corner of the window.
    The Filter window opens.
    The list includes all columns that are available to be displayed in the source window, even if they aren't all currently displayed.
    All columns used as pinned filters are at the top of the list, followed by displayed columns in the order in which they're displayed in the grid, followed by any columns that aren't displayed. Note: Click here for instructions on determining which columns are displayed in a window.

  2. Optional. If the list of columns is very long, you may want to use the Search Filter Columns feature. Enter part of the column name in the Search field, and click Enter. The list will be shortened to include column names that fit the search criterion. Sample

  3. Click a down arrow to select the field (column name) on which you want to filter.

  4. For date, number, and true/false fields, click a radio button to select one of the filter options.

  5. Select an Operation, if necessary.

  6. Enter values for the criteria as needed.

  7. When finished setting up the filter, click the Apply Filter button. You're returned to the list window with the found records displayed.

Click here for directions to save the filter for future use.

Create a filter based on a saved filter

To create a new filter based on a saved filter, open the filter and edit the filter fields, then select Save As. Name the new filter, change statuses as desired, and click OK.


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