Apply a Credit Memo

You can apply only Approved credit memos to invoices that have a positive balance.

Apply a credit memo

  1. Select Invoices from the Receivables > Accounts Receivable menu, and the Invoices window opens.

  2. Check the box for the Approved credit memo you want to apply, and click Edit, or click on the Invoice/Credit Memo Number link. The Edit Invoice window opens.

  3. Click Apply Credit Memo, and the Invoice/Credit Memo Balances window opens. The Apply field defaults to the full amount of the credit memo.

  4. Click Select Invoice, and that window opens displaying that customer's invoices with a positive balance.

  5. Click the AR Reference link for the invoice to which you want to apply the credit memo, and you're returned to the Invoice/Credit Memo Balances window.

  6. Check the box for the credit, and click Edit. The Edit Apply dialog opens displaying the full amount of the credit memo.

  7. Edit the amount as needed, and click Save.

  8. Check the box for the debit, and click Edit. The Edit Apply dialog opens displaying the balance due on the invoice.

  9. Enter the amount being applied from the credit memo, and click Save. Note: This amount should equal the amount in the CR Apply field. The Total Debits, Total Credits, and Balance are displayed at the bottom of the window.

  10. Once the balance equals 0.00, click Save. Note: If the balance doesn't equal 0.00,you must edit the CR, and or DB, until it does.


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