Use the Invoices window to bill "customers" on a one-time or recurring basis by creating and printing invoices. You can also create credit memos as needed.
You'll need to set up the AR tables that can then be used to streamline the billing process by reducing repetitive data entry.
Categories: Use categories to speed the process of creating invoices by indicating default descriptions, billing, invoice & account information that will be used when billing items that are linked to a category.
Event/Jobs: Use an event/job record for things that will be billed repeatedly, e.g. workshops. An event/job is linked to a single category.
Recurring Billing Items: Use recurring billing items to create similar bills for many customers. A recurring item is linked to a single category and has default cost and account information that can be overridden when the item is added to an invoice or credit memo.
Edit, and delete invoices & credit memos
Edit, and delete invoice items from invoices & credit memos
Unsubmit invoices
Void invoices
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