1099 Form Summary Report

The 1099 Form Summary Report provides the information necessary to verify 1099-MISC forms and complete Form 4804, to be sent with the 1099 Data Export for electronic filing of 1099 return information. The 1099 Form Summary reports on either imported information or the data generated by AptaFund. The report includes all adjustments made to 1099 data in the Vendor 1009 Adjustments window when that parameter is selected.

Also, the 1099 Reporting Threshold is specified in Purchasing Configuration. Only vendors paid the threshold amount or more are reported on the 1099-MISC Form and the 1099 Data Export.  

The report is accessed from Reports > Vendor Management  and can be created as a CSV, Excel, or PDF file.

The worksheets contain the following information:

Report filters are:

Sample 1099 Form Count

Sample 1099 Form Summary

Sample 1099 Form By Vendor

Sample 1099 Check Detail


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