System Configuration — General Tab

To edit system configuration values

  1. Select System Configuration from the Administration menu.

  2. Click the checkbox for a configuration value, and click the Edit button at the bottom of the window. The Edit Configuration Value window opens displaying the name of the configuration value and its system-defined definition in the Description field.

  3. Enter text in the Value field or select from the Value pull-down list, and click Save. You're returned to the System Configuration window with the new value displayed.

System configuration values

Account Code Description Override

Select Yes to allow changing the Account Code Description in the Chart of Accounts window.

Account Code Security

Select On from the list to enable account code security for all windows in AptaFund.

Additional States

State abbreviations are pre-loaded in AptaFund, but you may enter additional abbreviations here, if needed for use in Contact Management.

Allow Duplicate Manual Check Numbers

Determines if the user will be allowed to enter duplicate check numbers in the Bank Register.

Allow Duplicate Vendor Codes

Setting this value to Yes will allow more than one vendor to use the same vendor code. Setting this value to No will force all vendor codes to be unique. Yes is the default. Note: If there is currently vendor data and this option is set to No, any duplicate vendor codes will remain. You can edit any vendors to change the duplicate codes, if necessary.

Audit Level

Use these settings to indicate the security access level whose operations will be logged. The operations for that access level and above will be logged.

Auto Balance Manual Journal Entries

Automatically balance journal entries by fund and other static elements.

Auto Create Balancing Account Codes

The selection in this field indicates whether a balancing account code should automatically be created when a transaction needs to be written that uses a balancing account code that does not already exist. Selecting No prevents the transaction from being written. A user with the required security access must manually enter the balancing account code in the Chart of Accounts window before the transaction can be written.

The advantage of setting Auto Create Balancing Account Codes to Yes is that it allows employees who are performing critical tasks, such as paying bills, to continue working even if a user with Chart of Accounts Administration security access is not available.

Behavior When Deductions Exceed Pay

This setting determines what to do when an employee's deductions exceeds his/her pay. The options are: Always Remove Employee from Register and Exclude Deductions by Priority.

Cash Account Controlling Element Values

The list of asset controlling element values that identify cash accounts.

Contact Management Titles

The list of titles that will appear in the Title field in the Contact Management dialog. Enter alphanumeric values separated by carriage returns.

Cycle Lock

The value entered in the Cycle Lock configuration field indicates the number of closed accounting cycles prior to the current cycle that will be available before they are automatically locked by the system. You can view the transactions contained in a Locked accounting cycle but you can no longer create, modify, or delete the transactions.

The cycles must be linked using the Prior Cycle field in the Accounting Cycle screen in order for this feature to work.

A value of zero (0) indicates that no closed, unlocked cycles can exist, so when a cycle is closed, it is immediately locked. A value of 1 indicates that one closed, unlocked cycle can exist, so when a cycle is closed, it is unlocked, but the one prior to it is automatically locked. If the value is 2, when a cycle is closed, it is unlocked, the one prior to it remains unlocked, and the one prior to that is locked. Set this value as needed for your business. Locked cycles cannot be unlocked and transactions that may be in error in a locked accounting cycle cannot be modified.

If you dont want any cycles to be locked, you could enter a value of 99 indicating that 99 cycles (which would usually represent 99 years) can remain closed and unlocked.

Default Bank Account Fund

Select the bank account fund that will be used as a default template to automatically create the bank account information for all new fund elements.

Whenever a new fund is created in Element Value Maintenance, the system goes to Bank Account Management and looks for all element value assignments that have a fund that matches the Default Bank Account Fund. AptaFund then makes a copy of all these assignments, replacing the default fund with the new fund.

For example, Fund 100 is selected as the Default Bank Account Fund. In Bank Management , Fund 100 has been assigned three disbursement elements (Fund 100 & A/P Disbursement; Fund 100 & Payroll Disbursement; Fund 100 & Payroll Liability) and uses bank account A. When a new fund is added in Element Value Maintenance, it is automatically added to Bank Account Management with the same information as the default — Fund 100: New Fund & A/P Disbursement; New Fund & Payroll Disbursement; New Fund & Payroll Liability. All three default disbursement elements and the new fund are now automatically tied to bank account A. The may now be used in the system for AP, payroll, or payroll liabilities.

If you do not want new funds to automatically be tied to bank accounts, leave this field blank.

The advantage of using a default bank account fund is that it allows employees who are performing critical tasks, such as paying bills, to continue working even if a user with Bank Management security access is not available. For details on bank account setup, see Bank Account Management Overview.

Default Element Value Description

Use this text field to type the description you would like to see on-screen and in reports when AptaFund automatically fills in default values for account code entries. You can leave the value blank or type any description required by your business practices.

Default Export Save Folder

Specify the path to the default folder where users can save AptaFund data exports. The user can change this location as they are working, but the system will always provide this location by default.

Default Report Publishing Folder

Specify the path to the default folder where users can publish HTML reports. The user can change this location as they are working, but the system will always provide this location by default.

Default Web Content URL

Specify the path to the default system web server. Enter as http://<some server>/.

ESP File Repository Server Name

Enter the name of the server storing ESP export and PDF files.

ESP Organization Number

Enter the unique number assigned for ESP.

Federal Employer Identification Number

Enter the employer's identification number assigned by the federal taxing authority for the installation site. This number is required.

Federal Employer Identification Number (1099 Agent)

The EIN or TIN of the 1099 agent who manages data on behalf of the entity listed in the Name of Installation Site setting. This number may be identical to the Taxpayer Identification Number. If there is no 1099 Agent for the Installation Site, this value should be left blank.

History of Audit Log Entries

Enter the maximum number of days the audit log will track activities before beginning to overwrite the oldest entries. The default is 365, representing one year. You may need to lower this value if you expect high usage and have selected a detailed audit level.

History of Report Execution Entries

Enter the maximum number of days of report statistics entries that are maintained by the audit log.

Module Check Sequencing

Indicate whether or not separate check number sequences are required for each module.

Name of 1099 Agent of Installation Site

Used in the 1099 data export. Enter the name of the 1099 agent who manages data on behalf of the reporting entity (the name that appears in the Name of Installation Site field). Important: You also need to enter the address and contact information for the agent by clicking the Addresses/Contacts button at the bottom of the window. Click the Add button on the Addresses tab, and use the Type 1099 Agent for this information. Then click the Contacts tab and the Add button to add the contact's name & phone number.

Name of Installation Site

Enter the name of the entity whose data is represented in AptaFund. This name appears on forms. Important: Click the Addresses/Contacts button at the bottom of the window to enter address and contact information for the site. See Contact Management Overview and About Contact Types. The type indicates which address will be printed on checks, warrants, and forms.

Name of Installation Site - For Reports

Enter the name of the entity whose data is represented in AptaFund. This name appears on reports.

Payer Name Control

Used in the 1099 data export. Enter the alphanumeric name control from the mail label on the Package 1099. This package is mailed to most payers each December.

Period Lock

The value entered in the Period Lock configuration value field indicates the number of closed periods prior to the current period that will be available before they are automatically locked by the system. A value of zero indicates that no closed, but unlocked periods may exist — so when a period is closed, it is immediately locked. A value of 1 indicates that a single closed, unlocked period may exist — so when a period is closed, it is unlocked, but the one prior to it is automatically locked. If the value is 2, when a period is closed, it remains unlocked; the one prior to it remains unlocked; and the one prior to that is locked. Set this value as needed for your environment since locked periods cannot be unlocked, and transactions that may be in error cannot be modified. If you dont want any periods to be locked for a year, enter a value greater than the number of accounting periods in your year.

Report Signature

Enter a value that will indicate that a printed report contains information directly from the database and was not modified by the user.

Require 1099 Tax ID Number

Designate whether or not the tax ID field must be entered when adding or updating 1099 vendors in Vendor Management.

Transmitter Control Code

Used in the 1099 data export to file 1099 form information electronically. Enter the 5-character alphanumeric code assigned by the Internal Revenue Service/Martinsburg Computer Center (IRS/MCC). A transmitter control code must be obtained to file data.

Use Specific Due To/Due From

Indicate whether or not to use unique Due To/Due From balancing accounts for each fund classification.

Selecting Yes will cause AptaFund to find the balancing account code with the same fund type as the destination fund for Due To transactions and the source fund for Due From transactions. Selecting No will cause AptaFund to use the single Due To or Due From balancing account code, as appropriate. The default is No.

Due To and Due From transactions can be written in the Accounts Payable and Payroll modules when checks are drawn from a bank account which is owned by a fund other than the one for which the checks were written. For details on owner bank accounts, see Bank Account Management Overview. For details on assigning balancing account elements, see About Balancing Account Types.

Use Transaction Compression for Manual and Imported Journal Entries

Select whether or not to automatically balance journal entries by fund and other static elements.


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