Create a Budget for a Single Account or Small Fund

Use the Propose Account Budget feature to create a budget for a single account or a small fund that doesn't have many accounts.

Proposed budget amounts are displayed in the Proposed Amount column and are not reflected in the general ledger until the budget is adopted.

Create a budget for a single account or small fund

  1. Select Budget Management from the Budget menu, and that window opens.

  2. If you need to work on a budget for a different fiscal year, select it from the Cycle list in the upper right corner of the window.

  3. Select the Fund in which you want to work from the pull-down list. The Account Type in the Budget Items grid then defaults to Expenditure, and Fund Budget Status is empty, and the Summary and Budget Items grids are empty.

  4. Click on the Available Account Codes tab. The available account codes for the selected fund and account type are displayed.

  5. Check the box for the Account Code you want to budget, and click Propose Account Budget. That window opens.
    Note: If you don't see the account code you want in either the Budget Items tab or Available Account Codes tab, you can click Propose Account Budget without selecting an account code. You'll then need to select the account code in the Propose Account Budget window.

  6. Enter the amount in the Change field. Since this is the first time you're creating a budget for this account, you'll enter the total budget amount for that account code. Once you tab out of the field, the Proposed Amount display the change.

  7. Enter a Comment as desired.

  8. Click Save. The budget amount is saved, the account code is moved from the Available Account Codes tab to the Budget Items tab, and the amount you entered is displayed in the Proposed Amount column.

  9. Repeat steps 5 - 8 to enter budget amounts for additional accounts for this account type — for example, Expenditure.

  10. Then repeat steps 4 - 9 to enter budget amounts for other account types as needed — for example, Revenue, Other Financing Sources, and Other Financing Uses.
    Remember: Enter revenues as positive numbers. AptaFund knows to treat revenues as credits. If you enter revenues as negative numbers, they'll be treated as debits rather than credits.

After you've entered budget amounts, you can edit them at any time until the budget is adopted. See Edit Budget Amounts for instructions.

Once you're satisfied with the budget amounts for the fund, you're ready to adopt the budget.


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