Add a Journal Entry

You can add journal entries either from the Transaction Journal window, directly using the Add Journal Entry command from the General Ledger menu, or from several windows in different modules, such as the Reconcile Bank Account popup.

Viewing the transactions

The Transaction Journal window has three system default settings — Actual - Journal Entry, Budget - Journal Entry, and  Encumbrance - Journal Entry — that can be selected using the gear menu in the upper right corner.

You can choose to display all three types of transaction by clearing the Type pinned filter.

Add a journal entry

  1. Select Transaction Journal from the General Ledger menu. The Transaction Journal window opens. The system default is to display all actual transactions for the current accounting cycle.

  2. Click the Add button, and the Add Journal Entry popup opens.

  3. Select the Type — actual, encumbrance, or budget.

  4. Enter the Transaction Date — the date the transaction should be recognized as having taken place. This date, in conjunction with the current accounting cycle determine the period in which this transaction occurs.

  5. Enter a description in the Comment field.

  6. Click Save, and the tabs at the bottom of the popup are displayed. Example

  7. Click the Add button at the top of the Transaction Lines tab, and the Add Journal Entry Lines window opens.

  8. Enter the Account Code, or use the Account Code Assistant to select it. Once the account code is selected, the Current Balance and Projected Balance display the appropriate figures.

  9. Optional. Edit the Line Comment.

  10. Select the Line Type — debit or credit.

  11. Enter the Amount. The Projected Balance is calculated and displayed. Sample

  12. Optional. Create an offsetting line item by selecting the Offsetting Account Code. This feature creates an offsetting line of the opposite type in the amount of the original line. Once the offsetting account code is selected, the Offset Item Current & Projected Balances are displayed.

  13. Click Save, and you're returned to the Add Journal Entry window.

  14. Repeat steps 6 - 12 to add more lines.

  15. When finished entering lines, click Save. The transaction will be saved as a temporary entry designated by the letter T as a prefix to the transaction number. Sample

  16. If you want to post the transaction immediately, click Post Transaction. The transaction is posted and you're returned to the Edit Journal Entry window.
    If you want to post a group of transactions, use the Post Transaction command in the Transaction Journal window.

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