General Ledger - Aggregation

The General Ledger - Aggregation window is read-only and displays aggregated totals for transactions in all account groups.

Select General Ledger - Aggregation from the General Ledger menu to open this window.

The window defaults to show aggregated totals for balance sheet accounts for the current accounting cycle. It doesn't provide information on individual transactions that have occurred within an account. Those details are provided in the Transaction Journal Detail window.

Options for viewing the data

In addition to the standard options for filtering, grouping, sorting, and aggregating the data described in the Navigation topics, there are additional options for viewing the data in this window.

Complete the following as desired:

  1. Account Type Group: Select from balance sheet, revenue, or expenditure.

  2. Aggregate By: Select the element from the list of elements in the selected account type. Elements are specific to your account structure.

  3. All Transactions/Date Range: Leave the default, or enter a Begin Date and End Date to display totals for a selected date range. Note: If you specify a begin date other than the begin date of the accounting cycle, the displayed account balances will only represent the effects of the transactions in the date range specified, not the entire balance of the accounts.

  4. Aggregation Tree: Click the arrow beside an account group to open the tree and display the aggregations for the elements in the account type. Clicking on an item in the tree highlights the related row in the grid.


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