About Account Code Filters

All grids that display account codes provide the account code filter option in the regular Filter popup.

The two options are:

Using the Account Code Assistant

  1. Start typing an account code, an element of the account code, or part of the account code description. You can then scroll through the drop-down list to select the account code. Example

  2. Scroll through the list, and click on the account code to select it. Example

If you can't find the account code by beginning to type in the field, click here for further instructions.

Using the Account Code Expression Assistant

  1. After opening the Filter dialog, click the Select by Element radio button, and then the button. The Account Code Expression Assistant popup opens.

  2. Select the Account Type from [All], Balance Sheet, Revenue, and Expenditure.

  3. For each desired element:

  4. When finished, click Apply. You'll see the filter expression. If needed, you can click the button again to change any elements.

Account code filter availability

Asset Items Data View

Budget Development

Budget Management

Cash Receipts Detail View

Cash Receipts Items

Chart of Accounts

Employee Job

Employee Job Allocation

General Ledger Normal

GL Compress Transaction View

Master Position Data view

Payroll Jobs Addenda View

PO Detail for Invoices

Position Allocation History

Position Management Data View

My Requisition Data View

Purchase Requisition Data view

Vendor Invoice Detail

Vendor Management


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