Required Set Up for PERA Reporting

Setup to generate the PERA reports is required in Payroll > Payroll Configuration, HR > Manage Employees and Payroll > Manage Deductions.

Setup in Payroll Configuration

  1. Select Payroll Configuration from the Payroll menu.

  2. On the General tab, search on PERA to locate the configuration value.

  3. Click the PERA Employer Number link, and enter the 3 digit number in the Value field.

  4. Click Save.

Setup in Manage Employees

Confirm that the following fields have been completed in Manage Employees. These fields are required for PERA reporting.

  1. Select Manage Employees from the Human Resources menu.

  2. Check the box(es) for the employee(s) you want to edit, and click Edit. The Edit Employee popup opens.

  3. Scroll down, and complete these Custom fields as described.

  4. Click on the Jobs tab.

  5. Select Yes in the PERA Reportable drop-down list if you want the job to be included on the report.

  6. Click Save or Save and Next until you're done entering data.

Setup in Manage Deductions

AptaFund allows Colorado schools to set up the PERA deduction and Section 125 deductions so that — on the same payroll register — the PERA deduction can be excluded from jobs that do not contribute to PERA, and the PERA wages will be reduced by Section 125 deductions.

Set up the PERA deduction

  1. Select Manage Deductions from the Payroll menu.

  2. Click the Deduction link for the PERA deduction, and the Deduction Details window opens.

  3. In the Employee Information section, select Gross Wages from the Based On drop-down list.

  4. In the Custom Fields, select PERA Deduction from the PERA drop-down list. Example

  5. Basing the PERA deduction on gross wages allows you to exclude the jobs that don't contribute to PERA so that the PERA deduction won't be calculated on those excluded jobs. Click the ellipsis beside the Jobs/Addenda field, and the Jobs/Addenda popup opens.

  6. Click on the jobs to exclude, and click the Exclude < button.

  7. Click OK to return to the Deduction Details window. Example

Set up the 125 deductions

Set up your Section 125 deductions — usually dental, medical, and vision insurance. Note: The Is 125 Deduction setting is used for the Section 125 Deduction Totals by Month Report.

  1. Select Manage Deductions from the Payroll menu.

  2. Click the Deduction link for one of the 125 deductions, and the Deduction Details window opens.

  3. In the Primary Deduction Information section, click Pre-Social Security for the Deduct Order.

  4. In the Custom Fields, select Reduces Wages from the PERA pull-down list. Example

  5. Repeat steps 2 - 4 for all 125 deductions.

Sample Payroll Register Payments Report — for an employee who was paid both on a job that contributes to PERA and a job that does not contribute to PERA and also has a Section 125 deduction. AptaFund calculated the PERA deduction and contribution correctly.


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