Add a Document Category

You can upload documents without assigning them to a category, but you may wish to create document categories in order to designate features that will apply to a whole group of documents.

In addition, you must create categories for documents that will require employee acknowledgment. Uploading a document that is linked to a category requiring acknowledgment automatically generates an email sent to the employee(s) notifying them that action is required. The link to such a category also guarantees that an email will be sent to any employees who miss the deadline for acknowledging the documents.

Create document categories

  1. Select Manage Document Categories from the Employee Self-Service menu, and the Manage Document Categories window opens.

  2. Click the Add button, and the Add Document Category window opens.

  3. Complete the fields as described. Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.

  4. Click Save to save this category, or click Save and Add to create an additional category.

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